Sport & Performance Psychology
I'm a Mental Skills Coach and Sport Psychology Consultant. I specialize in working with individual athletes aged 9 - adult, youth and college teams, parents and coaches to produce unbeatable confidence, mental toughness and a winning mindset. I will teach you the strategies top athletes use to achieve peak performance and get an edge over their opponents.
Zoe Littlewood, M.A.
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All services are designed to improve mental toughness, develop a winning mindset & provide you with a competitive edge. There are services available for Individuals, Teams, Parents, Coaches and Performers of all ages and levels. All programs are customized to meet your needs, sport-specific, in-depth and include proven techniques. The in-depth approach involves performance observation, mental performance assessment, in-office sessions, on the field discussion and mental practice in the sport environment.
Skype Sessions
Zoe specializes in providing sessions via Skype to clients all over the world. You will also receive unlimited email support, electronic resources and worksheets to help you apply the skills learnt.
These can be a great option if you have a busy schedule, are not available to meet in-person at one of my locations or are traveling to compete and would like mental training support on the road.
Team Sessions
Any team at any level can benefit from this training. Get your team mentally tough and thinking like champions with a competitive edge over your opponents.
Program: In-depth consultation which includes on-site performance observation, assessment of individual & team needs, discussion with coaches, design & implementation of a customized program with specific strategies and proven techniques to improve mental performance.
Team Unity
Improved Leadership
Quality Competition Preparation
Enhanced Communication
Relationships based on Trust
Increased Motivation & Focus
Reduction in Mental Mistakes
Sessions can be one-time, season-long or in packages (discounts apply) depending on the needs of your team.
Parent Sessions
The consultant will work with you directly to provide the strategies needed to be a winning sports parent. Any parent can benefit from this training. You can use the principles of sport psychology to build mental strength in your child, create a positive emotional environment and increase the likelihood for success and positive growth.
Program: Individual or group sessions on how to best support your child and education on the importance and benefits of sport psychology. This can include in-depth consultation, practice/game observation, assessment of you and your child's needs, and design and implementation of a customized program with specific strategies and proven techniques to improve mental performance
You will learn how to:
Mentally prepare them to be their best
Talk to them after a bad performance
Give them the correct support and feedback to promote healthy attitudes
Help them deal with pressure
Keep them motivated, confident and focused
Set realistic and challenging goals
Individual or Group sessions can be single or in packages (discounts apply).
Individual Sessions
Build your Mental Muscle with tools and strategies to help reach your potential. This is suitable for any level of athlete who is committed to performance enhancement.
Program: An initial assessment of the athletes goals, strengths and weaknesses, followed by development of an individualized sport psychology program. This aims to address mental barriers and build on strengths.
Increased Motivation
Ability to Control Anxiety
Improved Focus
Quality Competition Preparation
Strength to Recover from Mistakes & Control your Emotions
Increased Self-Confidence
Positive Attitude
Mental Toughness to Compete Under Pressure
Ability to Get in the Zone Consistently
Sessions can be single or in packages (discounts apply). Professional & Olympic Athletes special packages are available to meet your unique needs & schedules.
Coach Sessions
Use the winning principles of sport psychology to gain a competitive edge for your program.The consultant will work with you directly, helping to integrate mental training in a way that fits your coaching style. The consultant can also work with the team, providing sport psychology techniques that compliment the coaches voice and aid their program in moving to the next level mentally.
Improved knowlege of the mental aspect of coaching
Enhance performance transfer from practice to competition
Improved ability to motivate athletes
A Winning Team Culture
Increased Intensity and Effort at Practices
Proven methods for Pre-Competition Preparation
Improved decision-making to recruit best-fit athletes
Better perspective & reduced stress
Sessions are available as-needed or in packages (discounts apply) to suit your needs.